Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tender Mercies

The last week or so we have been working with Amea on being potty trained. About four days into it I was getting very frusterated. I knelt down to pray, because I cannot do potty training by myself and I felt a little better. And then latter that day Amea did a potty dance... A potty dance. I was so excited. And then last night Amea woke up when she wet the bed. Oh, I am so grateful for the Lord and his tender mercies I know that it probably seems silly. But the little things in life just express to my heart how much the Lord knows and cares about me and Amea. In helping us make it through this potty training experience. Potty training Ty-kell was a nightmare, and I am so grateful for this opportunity to get closer to my Savior even through the simple things. This has been a testimony builder for me! The Lord is with me and I am grateful for His ever reaching hand.
This picture was taken by Ty-kell he likes to take the camera and get some shots. Some of them are pretty good so I decided to add his artistic ability to the blog.


Rachel said...

I agree potty training is frustrating. The doctor says I could start with Lydia since she is interested but I am not ready! I love the pic Tykell took he should go pro :)

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Life is so much easy when we let Heavenly Father help us! I am glad that despite potty training-which we both know how much dislike-you were able to feel him near! Keep up the Good Work!!