Saturday, July 18, 2009


So... I am not trying to be a slacker on my new resolution, but our camera has been out of batteries, and nothing seems "blog worthy". So I have decided to let a little insight on how I feel about being a mom. Last night was boys night, and I was home all alone. Laying there awake I was thinking about my boys. I thought even though it is hard (and on bad days I just want to ship my little boy off to the farthest away boarding school) being a mom. I still missed him a lot when he is gone. I really like being a mom but I wouldn't say that it is the funnest job in the world. Cleaning up the same mess day after day, and for some reason the laundry never changes, only during the week when it keeps getting higher and higher. But I know that this purpose is greater than me, and I am trying my hardest to enjoy the moments I have to teach Ty-kell all that he needs to know to be in this big world.


Sabrina said...

There is no getting around it, being a mother is hard work, and it is endless too. However, the rewards of motherhood are priceless. As I tuck the little ones I have left at home into bed at night and look into their angelic faces, (they are not always angelic during the day) I am in awe at the trust my Heavenly Father has given me in raising His children. They are so precious, and though they can do the most aggravating things I would not trade the moments I have shared with them for anything. Enjoy each moment with your children as they come, for all too soon they are grown and gone. I treasure the time I have had with each of my chilren.
This morning as Ty-Kell awoke from his "campout" one of the first things he did was to look around for you. He missed you to!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Your a great mom aimee!11 I love that Ty-kell missed you (from sabrina's comment)-Your the world to that little guy:) love ya tons, wish I was there to have a girls night with you !

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Oops! I was going to say I get frustrated with my kids when they follow me around the house, so I said to them one day, "why are you guys following me around like little baby duckies?" and Aliya says "because you are our mommy duckie!" LOL

Pattie D said...

This is why we do things line upon line and precept upon precept....You are a great mom to little Ty-kell and he loves his MOM and his DAD so much it is evident everyday! I am sooo missing his giggle! It is hot and dry, but not as hot as AZ...
We were at the most wonderful park yesterday in Meridian, I think we should build one like that in Arizona...So much Fun

Brianna said...

Being a mom is hard. But you are so blessed to be at home with him everyday, to teach him all that he needs to know to make it in this world. It seems to become more challenging each day and they need to be prepared. But those quiet moments, when the want to snuggle you, or when you miss them when you must be a part, those are the moments that make all the hard work and thank-less jobs all worth it! You are doing a great job! Hang in there, you are not alone! *hugs*