Monday, February 1, 2010


So when you think of TP, what do you think of? This morning I think of The Person That Pulled all of the Toliet Paper off the roll! Who is this person Ty-kell Petty. So today is Monday and my Mondays consist of cleaning and laundry (especially since Ty-kell was sick yesterday with the stomach flu). So I ask Ty-kell to come upstairs and help me get the laundry, so we could get started on it. He came up but he never came down. Since I could hear him I figured he wasn't getting into trouble. Because for this child he is very quite when he is doing something naughty. So after I had sorted the laudry which only took me probably 5 min. I came back up stairs and found this.

He had gone into grandma and grandpa's bathroom and pulled all of the toilet paper off the roll. I guess he needed to blow his nose.


Brianna said...

Toilet paper is so much fun. I think every kid experiences the joy of unrolling the entire roll at least one point in their life. :) Glad you caught the moment on will be fun to show him when he's older!

Michele said...

haha! Dallin must have given him the idea when they were together. These boys are so much trouble yet so fun!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

:)-Isn't he old enough to be past this stage lol-what a cutie-by the way i love your page-way cute!!