Friday, September 9, 2011


So this morning as I was working I heard something hit our sliding glass door. I look over my sholder to see what is was, and the door looked funny... at first I thought it was raining. But then I got up to look at the door and our back door is completely shattered. Luckly it was just the outside pain. The poor girl who mows our lawns felt terrible. I think it is kinda funny. But needless to say our door looks like this:

The whole bank door pane looks like this side to side up and down... it is pretty crazy. I have never seen this happen in person. And I didn't know cracking glass sounds like rice crispies.


Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Wow that's weird!! So how did it happen?? GOod thing your in a rental haha!! miss you guys

Brianna said...

Definitely glad it's a rental! Yikes. And I'm glad everyone is okay. Share hugs and kisses with the kids! (From me and the girls...the girls miss their cousins very much!)

Nat said...

That is Crazy!