Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cotton Candy

On Saturday we went to the temple, and because the Boise Temple is under construction that means for us the closest temple is Twin Falls. It was nice to go on a nice drive just Tyrone and I. Our ward actually set it up, even though it was only two couples. Tyrone and I and a couple in our ward (the Olsons). It was fun to get to know them. Bro Olson is the High Priest Group so he was the one that set it up. After we enjoyed a wonderful session at the Temple the Olsons treated us to dinner. They took us to Golden Corral. This was a really awesome Golden Corral. We used to go to Golden Corral when I was a little kid, but as an adult I had given up on it. The Golden Corrals in Arizona are pretty sad. Anyways at this one they had Cotton Candy. I thought it would be fun to bring it home to the kids, and let them experience it for the first time. It was too late at night when we got home, so they got some first thing Sunday morning. At first they thought we were crazy. Telling them that this puffy thing that looks like a cotton ball is okay to eat.
This is them first trying it.

This is their second try... they thought it was interesting and only had a few bites.
It was fun to watch them experience the many wonders of being a kid. So here is too blue cotton candy on sunday morning.

1 comment:

Pattie D said...

I love those pictures! They say it all! Love Amea's expression in the second yeah this stuff is good. How kind of your ward to treat you so well!