Monday, November 16, 2009


Okay so I thought that I was a pretty good mom when it came to the whole binky thing. When Ty-kell was a baby and needed it he got it quite a bit. Though around 8 months I said no more he only gets it at naps and bedtime, and I have stuck to that. So recently when he was getting up from bed he was crying when I told he had to leave his binky in his crib. Then the realization came. Oh, no he is getting too attatched to his binkies. I wasn't sure what to do becuase I enjoy the whole binky thing and I was feeling a little bit of anxiety. I know that it is all around better to get them off the binky, but I didn't know if I could do it. So the other day a parenting magazine came in the mail, and right there on the cover was a binky article so I read it. I had heard prior to this article that babies really shouldn't have their binky past one. Well Ty-kell is past one. So I was talking to my husband about it, and mind you this is before we put Ty-kell down, and he said well no more let's take it away. This is how the conversation went.
Tyrone: Well let's just stop giving him his binky he will do fine.
Me: Are you sure, I am not so sure. Are you sure?
Tyrone: Yeah, he will be fine.
Me: I don't know if I am ready for this.
Tyrone: It will be okay.
So I am happy to report we really have had no issues. Ty-kell cries for just a little bit letting us know that he really doesn't want to be put to bed without his binky, but it has never lasted more than 10 minutes. The only thing that I am not so sure about it for Thanksgiving we are visiting my sister, and we are going on a 14 hour car ride. Without a binky I am feeling a little unsure. But I am not going back to it so, binkies are history until May or June!

Second of all I think my son might be addicted to Horton Hears a Who the movie. Well he loves reading the book too. Every day he has to have a Horton fix. I am glad that he doesn't watch the whole thing. The most he will watch is 30 min, but that does help when I need to get something done.


Brianna said...

Kids do find little things they like and that will bring them comfort! Its like any good thing...moderation and you'll be fine. You are in for a long car ride though. Have some toys and snacks and plan for a stop for him to burn off some energy and you will be fine. He is a really good little'll be fine!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

He must know how to comfort himself, if it was that easy to give up-:)-He will do great without it-Like brianna said-he is a good little boy-Congrats on the no binkie!!

Dawnise said...

Congrats on the no binkie!!! Kaylie is 3 and we are still trying to get rid of it. Maybe he can teach her a few things at Thanksgiving when we are together lol!