Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving Trip

So I figured I better post about Thanksgiving becuase we are going to be decorating for Christmas on Monday. So I always figure better late then never. Well we went to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving it was so much fun. My sister made the best Thanksgiving everything was so wonderful. We actually don't have any picutes of Thanksgiving, but my sister made the cutest pilgram hats. So on friday we decided since Alex and Seth were going hunting we decided to go to the science museum. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast. This is Ty-kell and Aliya posing on a bell that I assume was on the Oklahoma boat.
Ty-kell and Parker became very good friends.

Ty-kell got tired, and didn't make it through the whole trip. Oh, how sweet.
Ty-kell and Daddy going down this extremely bendy slide, that is very tall and you go very fast down it. I went down it later with Ty-kell.
Ty-kell and parker enjoying a snack. On Saturday we did family pictures, and then we decided after the kids took a nap and before we went to incredible pizza we were going to take the kids to a park... it was the coolest park. The jungle gym was in shape of a rocket and the play area was chopped up tires so if felt like you were wlking on moon shoes.
This is Ty-kell playing up tall.

The women watching while the men were tiring out the kids, even thought it was probably the other way around.
Ty-kell going down the slide with grandpa.

I am not so sure what my dad is doing but he looks happy.
Landon playing in the chopped up tires.
Ty-kell and I went for a little walk around the park.
Zurie playing with the women. This was our responsiblity.
This is at incredible pizza, they had this cute little train that went around on a track. It was so cute.
Ty-kell and sophie relaxing on the couch which Ty-kell helped sophie up on.


Pattie D said...

Fun pictures! But don't let those two innocent faces fool you! They were seriously "babies gone wild"...It was hiliarious, Ty-kell even tried to scale the wine cabinet in the front room of the house we rented, just to get "Horton"...LOL!

Michele said...

Glad you had a good time! It looks like fun!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

you guys got some cute pictures-I miss you guys so much already!!