Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eggs and Bunnies

The Easter Bunny came to our house last night, and left a wonderful basket for Ty-kell. He was so excited to look through his basket. He got a sticker book, stickers, and chalk for a chalkboard that we have lost all the chalk. The chalkboard we take with us to church so Ty-kell can color. Also the sticker book and the stickers are for church to help Ty-kell stay reverent. Isn't the Easter Bunny the greatest.
And Ty-kell loves it.

We also dyed eggs this week Ty-kell did such a good job, even though some of them ended up really cracked and he looked like an easter egg himself. He had so much fun.
Dying eggs.

Ty-kell working on an yellow egg.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Looks like so much fun! :) Happy Easter you guys!!!