Thursday, August 27, 2009

Circus Life...

Well our crazy life has started again...but this semester it is a blessing because it is not going to be as crazy as the previous semesters. Tyrone is taking 18 credits, and is super busy with seminary. He is completly loving seminary, and enjoying all the time he gets to spend in the scriptures. We are so proud of him. Ty-kell is starting to take some steps, but our little daredevil is not venturing out to full out walking oh, well one of these days he will take off. I guess that is a great way to lose some weight is chasing after a one year old.The great thing about our circus life is there are no stinky animals and no hot tent. I love our life.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

The busier you are the faster time will fly and soon Tyrone will be done with school. Yeah!
We are excited to see Ty-Kell walking this weekend.